Photographer Interview with Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

Winter Wish Cosplay Photography is a talented photographer from California, who has an amazing eye for capturing beautiful images and amazing mood lighting!

Strawberry Censor Cosplay as an original angel design, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

Strawberry Censor Cosplay as an original angel design, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

How many years have you been into photography and what got you into cosplay photography?
I started back in college when I found a good deal on a dSLR. I initially got into cosplay photography to learn photography, but I eventually fell in love with photographing costumes. It helped that I’ve cosplayed as well so I know what it feels like to be behind the lens as well. I wanted to give back to the community.

What regions do you usually cover, and do you charge for photoshoots? Also, how does one get in contact to shoot with you?
I at some point experimented with paid shoots, but the lack of creative control was not satisfying to me. The whole point of paid shoots is not for profit but to make sure people show up and take it seriously. If you shoot enough, you will find certain people that are on time and serious and you just work with those people. If you are going to try to make money off photography, there are far more lucrative fields like weddings or whatnot. As an artist you should keep some things for fun, and cosplay photography was always about fun and giving back to young artists aka cosplayers. I cover the San Francisco area in California. Usually if you send me a message via facebook/twitter/email, I am happy to try to accommodate you depending on my schedule and figure out the concept and execute it.

Rufflebutt Cosplay as Ballerina Asuka from Evangelion, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

Rufflebutt Cosplay as Ballerina Asuka from Evangelion, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

What type of photoshoots do you prefer and why?
I prefer private shoots because it’s a collaboration between the cosplayer and photographer. Its 2 artists coming together to produce a piece for the public. I usually discuss location and time weeks before and there is always a theme involved. I want all my photographs to mean something, not simply to document cosplayers in say a convention environment.

What is some of your favorite equipment you work with and why?
I don’t particularly have a favorite equipment or camera. I think it’s basically whatever brand/system you land in and buy enough so much that you can’t switch equipment without taking a loss. Also every photographer works differently in terms of workflow, so it’s basically whatever works for you. I personally shoot with Canon equipment, and I am loving my new 5D mark III body as Canon did an amazing job designing the features on it. In the end it’s about the artist not the tools.

What are you excited to be working with in the future and why?
I am excited to be continuing doing private shoots with cosplayers in the future to produce amazing imagery that tells a story. I just love to create and that really drives me in life as an artist.

What are some of the traits you like to see in other photographers and who do you think does them well?
I highly value “professionalism” even though this is purely a hobby. So when I see a photographer smile and act cordial before asking to take a picture, or showing the cosplayer the shot to explain what they’re doing. Cosplayers are people and they deserve to be treated equally. We give back and they give back to us by posing. I don’t expect respect; I give respect to the other person first.

Priscilla as Red Riding Hood, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

Priscilla as Red Riding Hood, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

What is your view of the “cosplay scene”?
I think the scene is evolving as the videogame industry recognizes the monetization possibilities. Examples that come to mind are Jessica Nigiri and Precious Cosplay representing the in game characters in real life as well as the booth babes you see at cons wearing costumes in the featured games. I am torn on the future of this as this gives us more credibility but could also do damage in the long run by propagating stereotypes but it’s too early to tell. The important thing is we are no longer a niche and recognized as something cool now and we can do something good with that if we manage the course correctly.

What are some of the things you want to see change in the scene?
I am not really sure. I’ve addressed some of the things in the previous question, but I just hope people stay altruistic and not see this as an opportunity to enter the modeling/acting/web acting profession or whatnot, because it is bigger than that at the root. It would be sad to see the good cosplays go just because they were not sexy or badass enough.

What is some advice you could give people starting to get into photography?
I would say just buy what you can. Master it. Sell it, and buy what you need to get you to the next level. It’s all a learning process and no one is ever going to be the greatest photographer. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, make mistakes, and just ask people to shoot with you. If you are confident, people see it and they will want to shoot with you. If you don’t believe in yourself and don’t push yourself, like anything else in life you won’t get very far.

What are some of your favorite conventions you’ve attended and why?
My “home convention” would be Fanimecon. The shooting environments are very diverse, the locals are friendly, and the location is very convenient in terms of food and lodging needs. I’ve been to other conventions like Anime Expo and smaller ones like AOD and enjoyed them as well. Big conventions are fun because there are a ton of amazing cosplays but it can get busy whereas smaller conventions you have more time to work with the cosplayers and you get to converse with people more. Thank you for the interview!

Laura C as Chun Li from Street Fighter, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

Laura C as Chun Li from Street Fighter, photo by Winter Wish Cosplay Photography

Thanks for the interview, Winter Wish Cosplay Photography! To check out his work and contact him for a shoot, you can check out his website, his Facebook, and his Twitter!

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Interview with Axel/Shadowlightninja

It’s time for another interview, this time with Axel/Shadowlightninja! She’s a newer cosplayer from Tennessee, who is showing some serious talent when it comes to wigs!

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts, photo by Firebird Photography

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts, photo by Firebird Photography

What’s your cosplay alias and why did you choose it?
I mostly just go by Axel. That’s because that’s the cosplay I love doing the most, but I also have Shadowlightninja, which is my Deviantart username.

How many years have you been cosplaying and what got you started?
I’ve been cosplaying for about 2 years now. My friend got me started by watching non-stop anime. After thinking about it nonstop, I eventually made up my mind to go cosplay at a nearby convention with her.

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts

What has been some of your favorite things to work with when constructing costumes and why?
I always love styling the wigs. It’s just so much fun!

What are you excited to be working with in the future and why?
Well, my next cosplay will be Yami Bakura frm Yu-Gi-Oh, so I’m kind of looking forward to be working with the wig on that.

What are some of the traits you like to see in other costumes and who do you think does well in them?
I’m not very picky when looking at other’s cosplays. I mean, I love to see hard work put into them, but I think the people that do the best in them are the people having the most fun.

What is your view of the “cosplay scene”?
For the most part, it’s really nice. I love how friendly people can be, and you meet so many interesting people

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts, photo by Firebird Photography

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts, photo by Firebird Photography

What are some of the things you want to see change in the scene?
I wish people wouldn’t judge others for how they got their cosplay (like commissions) or how much skill they had while making it. People should just enjoy themselves.

What is some advice you could give people starting to get into cosplay?
Have fun with it. I would also suggest going to conventions near you. You get to meet so many people with the same interests that live near you.

What are some of your favorite conventions you’ve attended and why?
I actually haven’t been to many conventions. Though the ones I’ve been to have all been great in their own way. Yama-Con had amazing people that went, and Anime Southeast had so much fun stuff going on that you were never really sitting there bored.

Give a random fact about one of your costumes that you’re proud of!
I love my Axel wig ^.^ It took forever to do, but in the end, it turned out amazing!

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Axel from Kingdom Hearts, photo by Firebird Photography

Axel/Shadowlightninja as Axel from Kingdom Hearts, photo by Firebird Photography

Thanks for the interview, Axel/Shadowlightninja! You can see more of her work on her Deviantart!

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2012 Cosplay Year in Review

Another year down, so here comes the review!

My first convention this year was Anime Wasabi here in Colorado. I ended up debuting my Christmas Hotaru costume that Starnigh Industries made for me last year. Other than that, I rewore stuff, including Phoenix and my Ho Mario costume. The con was better this year, both as a con and financially for me in Artist Alley, but the hotel was a trainwreck. Happily, they’re moving next year.

After that, I attended Denver Comic Con in Colorado. I rewore Phoenix, debuting Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. I was going to debut Poison Ivy as well, but it’s still unfinished. I had a blast at this convention, being my first Comic Con, and I am definitely returning next year!

My final convention for the year was Anime Weekend Atlanta in Georgia, which I attended with Last Chance Myu once again. I debuted Silver Millennium Mercury, Rei’s Sera Myu summer seifuku, Rei’s Bloody Mystery trenchcoat, based from Sera Myu designs, and Rei’s Light ni Adventure costume thrown together based from Sera Myu. Minus finances being rough and my nasty heat rash at the con, I did enjoy myself! 😀

So, all in all, three conventions and six new costumes for 2012. I was employed from March until September, so at least I had better finances. XD Hopefully 2013 will be better!

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Advertisement: Yunie’s Designs

Back again to advertising, since I’m still unemployed! : (

The store today is, again, Yunie’s Designs, which is owned by yours truly. I make necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and jewelry sets for everyone. I’ve added some specialty cosplay items, including an old costumes of mine and some headbands, and plan on adding more soon! 😀

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Interview with Morgan Skye

It’s time for another interview, this time with Morgan Skye! She’s a talented cosplayer from South Carolina, who has quite the sense of humor!

Morgan Skye as a Ghostbuster from the Ghostbuster series

Morgan Skye as a Ghostbuster from the Ghostbuster series

What’s your cosplay alias and why did you choose it?
I was lazy and never really took an alias. Morgan Skye is my real name, and over the years it’s just been easier to keep using it.

How many years have you been cosplaying and what got you started?
If I’m being truly honest, I didn’t start cosplaying until about 2008, however I’ve made historical costumes with my parents for years as part of a Revolutionary War reenactment group. The bug bit me when friends of mine were getting into making costumes for cons, so I guess it was peer pressure that got me started. Ha!

Morgan Skye as Loo-kee from She-ra

Morgan Skye as Loo-kee from She-ra

What has been some of your favorite things to work with when constructing costumes and why?
My favorite thing is more a moment then something physical. I adore that point when a costume goes from just being a pile of fabric and notions to something recognizable. It can sometimes be hard to start/keep going with a project, so when it goes from an idea to something solid my personal drive really kicks in.

What are you excited to be working with in the future and why?
I’ve been trying to do something a little different with my costumes so I stand out more. Right now I have Dipp from Katamari Damancy on my work table. She’ll require LED lights and a power converter, which I’ve never used before. After that I want to try my hand at full-body suits like The Hamburgler or Swedish Chef.

What are some of the traits you like to see in other costumes and who do you think does well in them?
I like to see inexpensive items made amazing. It’s nice to see that something fantastic doesn’t have to be 100% Wonderflex and custom molding. My friend Tohma does this again and again. One of her best costumes is Ravage from Transformers, which used craft foam, hot glue, and a push light!

What is your view of the “cosplay scene”?
Heh, I could go on for HOURS about this. There’s a lot of people like my friends who do it because they have fun, but there’s just as many Divas and even more undeserving ‘divas’ out there that ruin the fun. Nothing stops the party faster then a hissy-fit or an ego battle.

Morgan Skye as Sailor Jupiter from Sera Myu, costume by Starlit Creations

Morgan Skye as Sailor Jupiter from Sera Myu, costume by Starlit Creations

What are some of the things you want to see change in the scene?
Less judging of looks and more judging of costumes. I’ve seen too many amazing cosplayers leave the field because their work is passed by in favor of less skilled people who pander.

What is some advice you could give people starting to get into cosplay?
Don’t take any of it seriously. Do it because you have fun. Being a little bit of an attention whore (like me) is fine, but the moment you base everything you do on winning contests and being ‘cosplay famous’ then it stops being fun and start feeling like a job.

What are some of your favorite conventions you’ve attended and why?
Tough choices! I love Dragoncon because it’s like costume porn everywhere 24/7. I see things there that I’d never find at a small con, and I always get fantastic ideas and have great long talks with other costumers. On the flip side, I adore smaller cons for the same reasons. People are trying out new costumes for the first time or are just getting into the field and are happy to sit and talk for hours.

Give a random fact about one of your costumes that you’re proud of!
I spent 4 hours hand stitching think white lines into my Telma skirt. No one ever sees it because the jacket covers the work, but I’m very proud of it.

Morgan Skye as Telma from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Morgan Skye as Telma from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Thanks for the interview, Morgan Skye! You can see more of her work on her blog and her CosplayLab account!

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Thickening a Wig by Combining Two Wigs Tutorial

This tutorial was created by AnimeAngelCosplay and is how to make your wig thicker by combining another with it!

Thickening a Wig by Combining Two Wigs Tutorial by AnimeAngelCosplay

Thickening a Wig by Combining Two Wigs Tutorial by AnimeAngelCosplay

Click to enlarge! Hope this helps! 😀

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Photographer Interview with Chris Deguzman

Chris Deguzman is a newer photographer from New York, who has a developing talent for capturing beautiful images!

Chris Deguzman

Chris Deguzman

How many years have you been into photography and what got you into cosplay photography?
I’ve been into it for four months.

What regions do you usually cover, and do you charge for photoshoots? Also, how does one get in contact to shoot with you?
I cover New York City. Not just no for charging, hell no. Right now, you can contact me on Facebook. Soon,

What type of photoshoots do you prefer and why?
Good question, next?

What is some of your favorite equipment you work with and why?
“The best camera is the one you have on you.” – Ansel Adams. Although, my DSLR is probably my favorite.

What are you excited to be working with in the future and why?
Cosplayers! Although in a technical sense, I’m waiting to pick up a nice flash with a diffuser. Light is supremely important.

What are some of the traits you like to see in other photographers and who do you think does them well?
Passion for the fandom. It becomes easy to geek out over lenses or sewing machines but the best times are when geek synthesis happens between photographer and cosplayer.

What is your view of the “cosplay scene”?
Exciting! New people are getting into it and photography equipment is getting better and cheaper. In fact the iPad I’m typing this on has a better camera than my first point and shoot.

What are some of the things you want to see change in the scene?
Closure of /cgl/.

What is some advice you could give people starting to get into photography?
Learn your camera. Learn it’s limits.

What are some of your favorite conventions you’ve attended and why?
Otakon! Really it’s the people that make the con. So… wherever there are awesome people around.

ChibiNeko Cosplay as Sailor Starfighter from Sailor Moon, photo by Chris Deguzman

ChibiNeko Cosplay as Sailor Starfighter from Sailor Moon, photo by Chris Deguzman

Thanks for the interview, Chris Deguzman! To check out his work and contact him for a shoot, you can check out his Facebook!

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More Shoe Resources!

Finally, some more resources for you guys! XD Of course, it’s more SHOES.

Eyes On Style – This is a shop on Ebay that I ended up getting some sandals here for my Silver Millennium Mercury costume and found them affordable, including the shipping. I got some very ornate sandals, and they turned out to be more awesome in person and surprisingly comfortable. They sell some other stuff as well, like boots, flats, and wedges, all of which are very affordable! I definitely suggest checking them out.

Hope this helps you all out! 😀 Please feel free to share your resources if you have some!

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Interview with Emma

It’s time for another interview, this time with Emma! She’s a newer cosplayer from Tennessee, who is quite a talented gal!

Emma out of costume

Emma out of costume

What is your cosplay alias and why did you choose it?
I don’t have a cosplay alias. I prefer to go by my name, Emma.

How many years have you been cosplaying and what got you started?
I have been cosplaying for 2 years now. What got me started was a good friend of mine that was into anime cons and cosplay. Long story short… I wanted to get out and do something new with my friends.

Emma Yaone from Saiyuki, photo by Tofusnow Cosplay Photography

Emma Yaone from Saiyuki, photo by Tofusnow Cosplay Photography

What has been some of your favorite things to work with when constructing costumes and why?
One of my favorite things to work with is probably fabric, wire, and the sewing machine. I prefer using wire with my fabric to form the shape I’m really wanting in the cosplay (i.e. my Oola cosplay head dress). Some of my favorite fabrics are jersey knit fabric and silk. Knit fabric for the cosplay that is more basic and the cosplay that’s short on time. I use the silk fabric for the more ornate and time-consuming cosplays.

What are you excited to be working with in the future and why?
I’m actually about to start on an Assassins Creed: Brotherhood cosplay for a friend of mine and a Sango (Inuyasha) cosplay for me. I’m more excited for the challenge of the Assassins cosplay, mainly because I’ll be making it more historically correct (i.e. out of the fabrics used in that era). The hood and the belt, it looks like, is going to be the biggest challenge of all. And, for the Sango cosplay, I just really want a giant boomerang and a reason to carry it in public.

What are some of the traits you like to see in other costumes and who do you think does well in them?
The main things I look for in other costumes is the quality, originality, and the confidence the wearer has in them. For example, on the confidence part, I prefer to see someone that took the time to get to know the character he/she is cosplaying and can really make you think they hopped right out of the anime/movie/book. The quality is another thing that really helps me to do better in my own costuming. But what wins me over, is the originality people have. I love to see costumes that capture your attention from across the room full of other cosplayers.

What is your view of the “cosplay scene”?
The way I view it is that it’s like an art show. Where everyone dresses as their own rendering of another’s works or dresses as an original work. From that point of view, you can tell who’s a beginner artist, an apprentice, and who the masterpiece is.

Emma as Oola from Star Wars VI

Emma as Oola from Star Wars VI

What are some of the things you want to see change in the scene?
One thing that I have noticed, with bigger cons at least, is that it’s over crowded and understaffed. One thing is that one cosplayer would be told that they can’t wear their costume because it show too much skin (when everything is covered), but you still see several girls dressed in less clothing walking alongside the con staff. Another thing that I would like to see change is more security staff needs to be present. I had an incident at one con where a guy was trying to involve me in a dispute between him and another guy (both of whom I’ve never met), and I had to walk almost across the hotel just to find one security guard. With the bigger cons, security should be the top priority, in my opinion.

What is some advice you could give people starting cosplay?
Start off with something relatively easy, that you know you can do and from there, increase the “difficulty level” of the costume as you get more into it. Don’t give up. Don’t work while you’re frustrated. And, most of all, have fun… that’s what it’s mainly about.

What are some of your favorite conventions you’ve attended and why?
I liked NDK quite a bit, mostly because I have really good friends around that area. However, my all time favorite anime convention is definitely Anime Blast Chattanooga located in Chattanooga, TN. It was a 2 hour drive for me, closer to home, and although it was a small convention, it was a really nice, warm and fuzzy kind of atmosphere. I had the most fun from one day at ABC, and I will be going to that one in the future.

Give a random fact about one of your costumes that you’re proud of?
My Temari kimono was made entirely of scrap fabric.

Emma as Temari from Naruto, photo by Tara Dee Dee

Emma as Temari from Naruto, photo by Tara Dee Dee

Thanks for the interview, Emma! You can see more of her work on her first Deviantart  and her second Deviantart!

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Merry Christmas Everyone! :D

Today is Christmas Eve, so I’m hoping everyone that celebrates gets to enjoy it! 😀 And those who celebrate different holidays, I’m hoping you’re enjoying yours as well!

Starting Christmas Day, the interviews will be returning! 😀 I’m hoping to get some more resources posted again on Wednesday, but we’ll see how that goes, lol!

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